
Building a strong foundation in math during Standards 1-3 is crucial for a child’s academic journey. Not only does it prepare them for more advanced concepts in later years, but good math skills also have practical applications in everyday life. Whether it’s calculating change at the store or understanding measurements in cooking, early math proficiency sets the stage for future success.


Building a Positive Math Environment

  • Focus on Fun and Engagement

Who says math has to be boring? Incorporating games, activities, and manipulatives into learning can make math both fun and engaging. Using physical objects like blocks, beads, or even toys to represent math concepts helps children visualize and understand abstract ideas. Games like “Number Bingo” or “Math Scavenger Hunts” can turn learning into an adventure, making children more enthusiastic about math.

  • Positive Reinforcement and Growth Mindset

Creating a positive learning environment is key. Praise your child for their effort and progress, not just perfect answers. This approach encourages a growth mindset, where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than failures. When children understand that effort leads to improvement, they become more resilient and willing to tackle challenging problems.


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Key Math Skills for Standards 1-3

  • Numbers and Counting

Mastering basic counting skills is the foundation of early math. Help your child practice counting objects around the house, such as toys, fruits, or even steps as they walk. Understanding number order and comparison (greater than/less than) can be reinforced through fun activities like comparing the number of toys or snacks. Introduction to addition and subtraction can start with simple, real-life scenarios like sharing cookies or adding up scores in a game.

  • Shapes and Spatial Reasoning

Identifying and classifying basic shapes is another essential skill. Use everyday items to help your child recognize circles, squares, triangles, and more. Activities like building with blocks or drawing shapes can enhance spatial reasoning skills, which are important for geometry and understanding how objects relate to space.

  • Measurement

Introduce concepts like length, height, and weight through interactive activities. Measure the size of a table using non-standard units like handspans or blocks before transitioning to standard units like inches or centimetres. This hands-on approach makes abstract measurement concepts more concrete and understandable.

  • Data Analysis

Simple sorting and classifying activities can lay the groundwork for data analysis. Have your child sort their toys by colour or size, and then count how many items are in each category. Creating and interpreting basic graphs and charts from this data can be a fun way to introduce early statistical skills.

Also, shop Process of Learning Mathematics – Infants: First Year


Practical Tips for Parents and Teachers

  • Making Math a Part of Everyday Life

Integrating math into daily routines can reinforce learning without feeling like extra work. Use shopping trips to practice counting and addition, or ask your child to help measure ingredients while cooking. Even playing board games can involve counting and strategy, which are great for math skills.

  • Utilizing Online Resources

Take advantage of educational websites, apps, and YouTube channels that offer interactive math lessons and games. Platforms like Khan Academy, ABCmouse, and Math Playground are specifically designed to make learning math fun and engaging for young children.

  • Effective Math Practice at Home

Short, regular practice sessions are more effective than long, infrequent ones. Tailor these sessions to your child’s interests and learning style, whether it’s through drawing, playing games, or using apps. The goal is to keep practice sessions enjoyable and stress-free.

  • Communication with Teachers

Stay informed about what your child is learning in school by regularly communicating with their teacher. This collaboration helps you reinforce the same concepts at home, providing a consistent learning experience for your child. Don’t hesitate to ask for additional resources or suggestions to support your child’s math education.



Fostering a love of math during Standards 1-3 is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. By creating a positive and engaging math environment, focusing on key skills, and incorporating practical tips into everyday life, you can help your child build a solid foundation in math. For further learning and support, explore additional educational resources and stay connected with your child’s teachers. Together, you can make math fun and integral to your child’s early education journey.

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